Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Art Point of View

Drawing perfectly was always my goal when I was younger. It had to look 'real' and at times my art paid the price of looking stiff. It also got rather tedious and frustrating striving for perfection. While I got very good mechanically with my art, I can see now that creativity was lacking in my earlier works. I actually find quirky art much more intriguing to look at now. While I appreciate the technique of recreating a neat, perfect, photo-quality piece of art, I find that I've become bored (despise this word, but it's the only one that seems to fit here) with it and that I need the visual stimulation of something way less perfect to view. I want to be somehow challenged by what I look at. This new perception has made me stretch and grow as an artist. Granted, I still struggle with my inner perfection demons, but I feel I'm more willing to be more creative now. While I still have a thing for doing the cutesy things that so many like to see, I also like to vary my mediums and my styles so that I can continue to grow. The only way to truly improve as an artist is to open yourself to the inspiration around you. There's no better way to improve upon yourself.